Finding our Purpose in Life

Ria kaur
3 min readFeb 15, 2024
Photo by Mike Bird:

Do you ever wonder what is the point of my existence?

And I don’t mean it in some dreary and frightful way, just a what is my purpose in life sort of thing?

It’s a process we all go through. “What do I want to do with my life?” “What am I good at?”

I know that many monarchs back in the day believed that it was their life’s purpose to be king or queen and rule over people. Not only that but it was their divine right to be on the throne, meaning it was God’s will. How nice and simple.

The problem with a ‘life purpose’ is that it suggests we are all here for a reason and have to actively search for it. During that we are preoccupied with finding what we want to do in the future that we forget to live in the present.

I know I have missed out on fully enjoying moments because my mind tends to wander into the future. I catch myself thinking, ‘I should be doing this’ or ‘what am I going to do with my life.’

I asked my mother what her purpose in life was and this is what she said:

“I feel purpose of life changes due to experiences people have, well that’s how it is for me. When I was young all, I ever wanted was to be happy with someone I loved, to have a family and grow old with that one person. Someone I can look after and someone that can look after…



Ria kaur

Writer | Reviewer | Blogger | Writes about what i read, would love any book recommendations.